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Celtic Dance - Regressus Ad Uterum / Wolfthrone - Memories from

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  • Celtic Dance - Regressus Ad Uterum
    Celtic Dance - Regressus Ad Uterum
  • Wolfthrone - ... Memories from Ancestral Times
    Wolfthrone - ... Memories from Ancestral Times

Split CD | ESW.CDA.002 | Total time: 56:29 | Released on June 10, 2004 | 6 audio tracks from Celtic Dance + 10 audio tracks from Wolfthrone + 12 pages booklet with lyrics


Split CD with two works, previously released only in tape: Celtic Dance - Regressus Ad Uterum; and Wolfthrone - ... Memories from Ancestral Times. Portuguese and Spanish Black Metal.


  1. Intro: Regressus Ad Uterum
  2. One Sword, One Voice
  3. Keltic Triumph!
  4. To North We March Forth
  5. A Battle to be Won...
  6. The Cry of the Warrior
  7. The Wolfcult (Intro)
  8. Heathen Creed
  9. Personal Views of my Final Existence
  10. Misanthropic Warriors of Doom (Sons of the Northern Fullmoon)
  11. The Pagan Cult is Still Alive (when the Smoke of the Burning Christian Temples Will Cover the Sky)
  12. Apocalyptic Visions Under the Lunar Eclipse
  13. ... Memories from Ancestral Times
  14. Sed de Sangre Cristiana
  15. Mighty Kingdoms of the Elder Raven
  16. A Dream Lost in Mist (Outro)